Adding RXU Desktop Client to Hosted Desktop

Log into RXU.exe desktop app

1.Supervisor>User Maintenance
2.Green Plus symbol in top left corner
3.Create user name - I usually go with full first name last initial.
4.Click save icon.

When user logs in first time, they will be prompted to create a password.

5.Supervisor>workstation setup.
6.Green plus symbol
7.Workstation id = first and last initial, if its already taken, do first initial and a number between 0-9. Remember this/write it down.
8.Click save, click ok.

9. Remote into their Hosted desktop.
Create a shortcut with these params: "C:\RxUniverse-Workstation\acuthin.exe rxuniverse XX"
Replace XX with their workstation id you created in step 7.

Have them log in with their user name created in step 3. It will prompt them to create a password.

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